Westgate Terrace
The CRA began acquiring and assembling land at the southeast and southwest corners of Westgate Avenue at Seminole Blvd. for the redevelopment of the “Heart of Westgate” in the early 2000’s. Danza Group of Westgate as the successful responder to a 2021 RFP is now under an option agreement to purchase. The developer is in the County entitlements and permitting process for a 4-story, 46-unit mixed use project with 10,615 sf. of ground floor professional and medical office.
Westgate Terrace utilizes 30 units from the WCRAO Density Bonus Program unit pool; a minimum of 9 units are set aside as workforce housing units. The site is designed to WCRAO NC Sub-area standards with a urban building placement, and access and parking from the side and rear streets. The project is made possible through a public-private partnership with the CRA and the County’s Department of Housing & Economic Development, funding from the County’s CDBG allocations, and other State housing programs. The project contributes much needed workforce housing units and provides the community with the only professional medical office withing the CRA boundaries. The estimated cost to construct Westgate Terrace is $19 million.
South Florida Business Journal: https://www.bizjournals.com/southflorida/news/2023/01/31/cra-could-partner-with-developer-on-project.html