Meetings & Agendas

WCRA Development Review

Development Application Review Process for WCRA Recommendation

The Westgate Community Redevelopment Area Overlay (Article 3.B.14. WCRAO) is a special zoning overlay within the County’s Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) established by ordinance in 2006 by the PBC Board of County Commissioners. The  purpose and intent of the WCRAO is to encourage the development and redevelopment of the Westgate/Belvedere Homes area through regulatory incentives, providing for mixed use development, and providing for increased densities and intensities, without amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, and the implementation of the Westgate/Belvedere Homes Community Redevelopment Plan. The 2005 CRA Plan, as amended in 2017, proposes smart growth and form based code principles that incorporates urban design and mixed use development to achieve infill residential and commercial redevelopment.

Pursuant to Article 3.B.14.D. of the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code (ULDC), applicants or agents with development projects within the CRA boundaries wishing to submit an application to the PBC Zoning Division must obtain a recommendation from the CRA prior to submittal of any application for the development of single-family or duplex residential structures on a non-conforming lot, or applications outlined under Article 2, Application Processes and Procedures for the following: Official Zoning Map Amendments, Conditional Uses, Development Order Amendments, Plan Amendments, Density Bonuses, Variances and projects requiring full and administrative DRO approval. Application requirements and timeframes for response are outlined in ULDC Article 3.B.14.D.

CRA recommendation of development applications is typically provided by the CRA Board at their regular monthly meeting. CRA Board meetings are held on the second Monday of each month unless otherwise noted in the meeting schedule published annually. The deadline to submit an application to the CRA for review is fourteen (14) calendar days in advance of the scheduled Board meeting; always on a Monday. For example, if a Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 11, 2022 then the application submittal deadline would be on Monday, March 28, 2022. The review period allows CRA staff sufficient time for review and distribution of the meeting agenda packet to Board members. To adequately review a development application, the CRA requires one (1) PDF copy of the submittal package containing the same documents required by the PBC Zoning Division. A pre-submittal appointment is recommended. There is no separate application or fee.

Note: Development applications requiring administrative approval, such as Zoning Agency Review (ZAR), pursuant to Article 2.C. of the ULDC, may be submitted to the CRA electronically for recommendation at any time. CRA Staff will review and provide recommendation within ten (10) calendar days. The CRA requires one (1) PDF copy of the online submittal containing the same documents required by the PBC Zoning Division.

Please contact the CRA office at 561-640-8181 x 105 for more information regarding development application review procedures.

The WCRA Zoning Overlay may be found in Article 3, Chapter B, Section 14 of the ULDC: Westgate Community Redevelopment Area Overlay (WCRAO)

To view WCRAO Sub-area boundaries: WCRAO Sub-area Map

The Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) may be accessed here: Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code