Streetlights Program
SCOPE: Throughout the North & South Westgate Estates and Golfview Heights/Belvedere Homes neighborhoods
COST: Approx. $50,000 annually CRA TIF since 1999, and ongoing
Initiated in 1999, 163 regular streetlights have been installed throughout the residential and commercial areas of North and South Westgate Estates neighborhood through the CRA’s Streetlights Program. The CRA sets aside an amount from the yearly budget to pay for power to these light standards. The CRA has also installed and pays for decorative streetlights on Cherry Road in the Golflview Heights/Belvedere Homes neighborhood, as well as backyard security lighting for several private homes. Additional streetlights throughout the District act as a deterrent for criminal activity, greatly improving safety, security, and visibility.
Once fully operational, the CRA will also be responsible for power to and maintenance of all streetlights in the Belvedere Heights Streetlights & Sidewalks project, now completed, as well as for the Westgate Avenue, Seminole Blvd., and Cherry Road projects.
In 2022, the CRA began working with Florida Power & Light to install additional streetlights in dark areas of the North & South Westgate Estates neighborhoods. This project is ongoing.