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〉〉〉 Regulatory Incentives
WCRA Density Bonus Program & WCRA TCEA
The Westgate Community Redevelopment Area Density Bonus Program is established in the County’s Comprehensive Plan and Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) as a mechanism to achieve higher residential density than allowed by the future land use. For more information on this and the WCRA Traffic Concurrency Exception Area program, please contact our office at 561-640-8181 x 105.
ULDC Westgate Community Redevelopment Area Zoning Overlay (WCRAO)
To implement the Westgate CRA Redevelopment Plan, the Westgate Community Redevelopment Area Zoning Overlay (WCRAO) and seven (7 ) distinct Sub-areas are established with additional use regulations, Property Development Regulations (PDRs), and supplemental standards that may differentiate from related requirements of the County’s Unified Land Development Code (ULDC). Sub-area boundaries are based on the CRA’s Redevelopment Plan and the need for special protective measures, additional design standards, and redevelopment incentives within specific geographic areas.
The WCRA Zoning Overlay may be found in Article 3, Chapter B, Section 14 of the ULDC: Westgate Community Redevelopment Area Overlay (WCRAO)
To view WCRAO Sub-area boundaries: WCRAO Sub-area Map
〉〉〉 Site Development Assistance Program
The Site Development Assistance Program (SDAP) is an investment partnership between the CRA and the business and development community, established to encourage developers and property owners to improve the exterior appearance of their properties. The Program is available to new residential, and to new and existing commercial and industrial development within the redevelopment area. Approved grant applications may receive reimbursement for 25% of their eligible project costs, up to a maximum of $50,000, for nonresidential or mixed-use projects fronting on Westgate Avenue. All other areas of the CRA district may receive reimbursement of 10% of their eligible project costs up to a maximum of $25,000 for nonresidential projects and $5,000 for residential projects.
Program guidelines and the SDAP application may be downloaded here: Site Development Assistance Program Guidelines & Application
For more information about how to apply, please contact the program administrator at 561-640-8181 x 105.
〉〉〉 Other CRA Incentives
Incentives are designed as a tool to facilitate redevelopment in the Westgate CRA area in accordance with the 2017 amended Redevelopment Plan. The desired outcome is to attract special development such as destination businesses, workforce housing, professional office and quality neighborhood retail uses.
Please contact the Westgate CRA offices for more information on the incentives such as the ones listed below. Due to the complexity of these incentives, a meeting with CRA staff is required. All incentives below must be approved by the CRA Board.
- Land Disposition
The CRA engages in land acquisition in key locations throughout the district and holds land for redevelopment. The Agency may dispose of land for a development project through a public offering or RFP process.
- Cash Contributions
This incentive provides up-front funding to developers to assist with development costs or to supplement financing. Funds for cash contributions may be set aside and replenish annually. This incentive is subject to funding availability and will be determined by the CRA Board on a project-by-project basis. The cash incentive can follow the same guidelines as the TIF Rebate.
- TIF Rebate
This incentive reimburses developers a portion of the TIF generated by their project. A percentage of the TIF may be given back to the developer each year for an agreed upon number of years based on the project application score. The developer can in turn use this agreement to secure funding to develop the project.
- Assistance with Palm Beach County Funding Programs
The CRA may assist developers in submitting grant applications to different County Departments such as the Department of Housing and Economic Development and the Office of Community Revitalization.
- Infrastructure Assistance
The CRA may assist developers with their infrastructure needs. Assistance may be road construction, streetscape improvements, sidewalk installation, and drainage improvements depending on the need and location of the project and availability of CRA funds.