Welcome to the Westgate CRA
Our ongoing mission is to eliminate blighted conditions through advancing economic opportunity, new housing availability, community partnerships and engagement, cultural enhancement, and improvements to public transportation and infrastructure.
A portion of each tax increment generated and received by the Westgate CRA is reinvested back into the community where it originated from to further the Agency’s mission and encourage revitalization.
Next CRA Board Meeting: Monday, February 13, 2023 at 5:00PM
The public may attend in person at the CRAβs offices or virtually via the Zoom Meetings platform. Please contact 561-640-8181 for more information.
Agents/Applicants: information regarding procedures and deadlines for submitting a development application for review by the CRA for the purposes of obtaining a letter of recommendation for your project is available under the Meetings & Agendas tab.
News And Events
CRA News
Community News & Events
SAVE THE DATE: Backpacking at the ParkThe CRA, in collaboration with .. will host a back to school backpack giveaway at Oswego Oaks Park on August 11, 2023. |
CRA Project Spotlight: Westgate Avenue Complete Streets
The Westgate Avenue project utilizes complete streets principles to createbetter connectivity and improve roadway safety and comfort for pedestrians.
During development this feed is connected to the DGG group on FaceBook. This will be replaced asap.
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.Westgate Community Farm
The Westgate Community Farm is an urban education and production farm in the Westgate Neighborhood of West Palm Beach that offers neighbors fresh produce, education programs, and a lush green space.